The Huge Importance of Water Treatment

The Huge Importance of Water Treatment

Water is the basic resource for guaranteeing the life of all living beings on this planet. Access to water, sanitation, and hygiene is a fundamental right. However, billions of people throughout the world are battling daily against enormous difficulties accessing the most basic services.

The problems with contaminated water.

Without water, life as we know it would not exist. All living beings from humans -animals – plants-bacteria require clean water to survive. Of the planet’s total water reserves, only 2.5% is fresh water  – and of this, only 0.4% is fit for human consumption. The world water council estimates 1.1 billion people lack access to safe water due to environmental pollution caused by sewage & industrial.

The increasing availability of quality drinking water is an important problem affecting every country. It is estimated that at least 1 out of every 4 people will be affected by water scarcity by 2050.

  • Water scarcity will continue to increase due in part to global warming and desertification.
  • Humans are the main cause of all water pollution. More than 80% of the wastewater resulting from human activity is dumped in rivers or the sea without any kind of water treatment, producing contamination.


What is wastewater and what does the treatment of it entail?

Wastewater is any form of water that has been contaminated by a commercial or domestic process. This includes water resulting from sewage and large-scale industries such as construction, mining, and manufacturing.

Wastewater treatment is a process that removes harmful contaminants producing an effluent that can be returned to the water cycle with minimal environmental issues. Given its importance, more and more governments are finally realizing that they need to take actionable steps to improve and better regulate their wastewater treatment processes. In Canada, there are mandatory minimum requirements for effluent quality established under the fisheries act (


How do we solve the water problem?

Water treatment is increasingly necessary due to environmental pollution and the growing needs of the global population.  We must conserve and protect the limited freshwater reserves available to ensure the health and safety of all living beings. Both education and regulation can be utilized to ensure that water treatment is consistently utilized to eliminate and/or reduce the contamination present in water. This can consist of many different processes including but not limited:

  • Physical Methods such as sand or screen filtration can physically remove contaminants.
  • Chemical – Coagulation/flocculation, ion-exchange, & neutralization can be used to react with and remove contaminants.
  • Biological – Utilization of small organisms such as bacteria to break down unwanted organic contaminants.


What is the importance of the water treatment industry?

Water treatment companies like Lionsgate Water Treatment do as described

  • Treats hazardous contaminated water before discharging it back into the environment.
  • Reacts when emergency spills happen.
  • Are on-site during the construction of major projects to ensure that water is routed and processed correctly—and safely.
  • Every water management operation is unique, so our team of professionals approach each customer’s business goals and water needs individually and then explore and implement creative solutions to make their systems perform more efficiently. It takes a number of professionals to properly deal with the ever-changing environment needs of the world today.

    Let us know what you think about the world’s water situation today in the comments below.


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